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One Year on a Bike - From Amsterdam to Singapore
The title says it all: one man, one bike, one long ride, the adventure, the fun and the pain. ... One year on a bicycle from Amsterdam to Singapore.
The title says it all: one man, one bicycle, one long ride, the adventure, the pleasure and the pain. Martijn Doolaard traded the convenience of a car and the distractions of everyday life for a continental bicycle journey: an adventure that would take him from Amsterdam to Singapore.
One Year on a Bike leaves behind repetitive routines and enjoys slow travel, the subtlety of a gradually changing landscape and the lessons learned along the way. From Eastern European fields of yellow rapeseed to the intimate host culture and community in Iran, One Year on a Bike is a vivid chronicle of what can happen when the norm is purposefully replaced by extraordinary self-discoveries and beautiful landscapes. The title says it all: one man, one bike, one long ride, the adventure, the fun and the pain. It is simultaneously a travelogue and a visual journey. Martijn Doolaard traded the convenience of a car and the distractions of everyday life for a continental bicycle journey: a bipedal adventure that would take him from Amsterdam to Singapore.
One Year on a Bike leaves behind repetitive routines and enjoys slow travel, the subtlety of a gradually changing landscape and the lessons learned by traveling. From Eastern European fields of yellow rapeseed to the intimate host culture and community in Iran, One Year on a Bike is a vivid chronicle of what can happen when the norm is purposefully replaced by extraordinary self-discoveries and beautiful landscapes. Doolaard shares the equipment and knowledge that made his journey possible, in addition to the passionate curiosity that served as the driving force.
Author: Martijn Doolaard
Size: 247 x 327 x 38 mm
Size: 376 pages
Weight: 2533 grams
Language: English
Material: Hardcover