Living with Volcanoes


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Living with Volcanoes
Photography books

Living with Volcanoes

Photographer Cris Toala Olivares visited 13 volcanoes, from Iceland to Indonesia, and captured them in stunning photographs, accompanied by interviews with the people who live there.

PUBLISHER: Terra Lannoo


In 2014, Ecuadorian documentary photographer Cris Toala Olivares, who lives in the Netherlands, experienced up close the eruption of the Tungurahua volcano in Ecuador. He was overwhelmed by the enormous forces released from the earth's core. People who had lived on its fertile flanks for centuries were forced to evacuate - something they reluctantly did, despite the imminent dangers.

Toala Olivares was captivated by this close-up encounter, and decided to take a closer look at the different relationships people - all over the world - have with the volcanoes around them. He visited thirteen volcanoes, from Iceland to Indonesia, and literally stood on top of their giant subjects. He spoke with residents who lived on or under a volcano, never wanting to leave their beloved but threatened homes.

From these experiences was born Living with Volcanoes, a collection of powerful photographs documenting the impact of volcanoes on people and their environment.

"Cris' photographs seem so carefree; almost snapshots at times. But they demonstrate an unerring insight into the story that needs to be told." - Jeroen Junte, author of Cris' coffee table book "The Amsterdam Canals“.

Amsterdam by Cris Toala Olivares
In honor of our capital's 750th anniversary, photographer Cris Toala Olivares presents; "Amsterdam", an unprecedented, photographic tribute to Amsterdam.

Title: Living with Volcanoes
Photographer: Cris Toala Olivares
Publisher: TerraLannoo
Size: 349 x 255 x 32
Size: 320 pages
Weight: 2214 grams
Language: English
Material: Hardback
ISBN: 9789089898975


Cris Toala Olivares

Cris Toala Olivares is an award-winning Dutch-based Ecuadorian photographer, journalist and storyteller with expertise in ground and aerial photography of natural and urban environments. His approach keeps him enough of an outsider to be fascinated by his subjects, but also enough of an insider to understand them deeply. With his work and media outreach,...





