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Haniyé, Matay De Mayee
This culinary book by Matay de Mayee is an ode and an exploration of the world's oldest - most authentic - cuisine
From the world's oldest recorded recipes in cuneiform, some 4,000 years ago, there is a straight line to Smuni Turan's cooking. Her recipes have been collected by her son Matay in Haniyé, Aramaic for "eat well. A unique cookbook that describes both the world's oldest cuisine and the culture of the Suryoye, also known as Assyrians or Aramaeans. A Christian minority in the Middle East, the Suryoye were mostly persecuted and expelled, and they now live scattered throughout the world. They all still speak dialects of Aramaic, the language Jesus is believed to have spoken. More importantly, they still cook every day the dishes to which all Middle Eastern cuisines are indebted. So this book is an exploration of the oldest, most authentic cuisine in the world. Haniyé!
'A rare and fascinating introduction to an ancient, delicious cuisine. This cookbook is among the best of its kind - with recipes that honor the past. Straight from the heart and kitchen of Matay's mother.' - Nigel Slater
'I know of no one who talks and writes about food with such abandon, dedication, sense of tradition and love for transmitting almost lost worlds, as inspiringly as Matay. With Haniyé, there is no only added a cookbook that is detailed in every detail, stunning and inviting on all fronts, but also opened a hatch for anyone interested in where our food comes from. - Ronit Palache
'Sometimes a cookbook is worth waiting ages for.' Karin "Mrs. Hamersma Cookbook Shop
Author: Mayee, Matay de
Language: Dutch
Number of pages: 224
Weight: 1004 grams
Format: 259 x 202 x 25
Material: Hardback
ISBN: 9789464042184

Matay de Mayee
Matay de Mayee was born in Hengelo, the child of one of the first Suryoye (also called Assyrians or Arameans) settled in the Netherlands. After studying Business Economics at the University of Amsterdam, he traveled the world for several listed employers. Three years ago, he decided to turn his life around and...Language | Dutch |